The Importance of a Shareholders’ Agreement
Firstly, what is a shareholders’ agreement? Much like the Articles of Association, a company’s shareholders’ agreement will set out
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Firstly, what is a shareholders’ agreement? Much like the Articles of Association, a company’s shareholders’ agreement will set out
This article covers six key things to consider when negotiating the limitation provisions in your contract. In practice what are
Working from home and hybrid working are now commonplace – even more so due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, there
As a start-up you want to minimise expenditure and maximise funds. However, investing in a few key legal areas,
What do you want to buy? One of the main benefits of an asset purchase is the ability to
Commercial contracts are needed for any business to operate. This article explores some of the most common clauses found
What liabilities cannot be excluded or limited by a supplier in a contract? Limitations and exclusion of liability are
This article provides a summary of one of the ways a contract may be terminated and things to consider
On 25 November 2021, the Law Commission published its advice to the UK government on smart legal contracts. The
Types and formation of partnerships English law recognises three different types of partnership: General partnerships are governed by the Partnership
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